Working Group P181 - Transitions, Pulses, and Related Waveforms


Last NameFirst Name AffiliationEmployer
Paulter NicholasNISTNIST
CalvinJohnKeysight TechnologiesKeysight Technologies
CernyCharlesUSAF Research LabUSAF Research Lab
ChiYuanStates Great Corp. States Great Corp.
ChongAng BoonIntel Intel
Ciocan Razvan  Draper Laboratories Draper Laboratories
Dadkhah Peiman NuGrid Power NuGrid Power
Gendai Yuji  THine Electronics, Inc THine Electronics, Inc
Haba Cristian-Gyozo Gheorghe Asachi Technical Univ of Iasi Gheorghe Asachi Technical Univ of Iasi
Hudlicka Martin  Czech Metrology Institute Czech Metrology Institute
Hudson Bruce selfretired
IadarolaGraziaPolytechnic University of MarchePolytechnic University of Marche
Jendzurski John  NIST NIST
Liccardo Annalisa  University Federico II of NaplesUniversity Federico II of Naples
Milicevic Kruno University of OsijekUniversity of Osijek
Mingotti Alessandro  University of Bologna University of Bologna
Nied Eric Hubbell Power Systems Hubbell Power System
ó hEidhinGearóid  GE Renewable Energy GE Renewable Energy
Rapuano Sergio  University of Sannio University of Sannio
Sembiring Jhony  Medan State PolytechnicMedan State Polytechnic
Traverso Pier Andrea  University of Bologna University of Bologna
Tudosa Ioan  University of Sannio University of Sannio
Yoo Han WoongAutomation and Control Institute Automation and Control Institute