IEEE C/DC 1857 Working Group
IEEE Audio Video Coding Working Group (1857 WG)

The 22nd IEEE SA 1857 WG Meeting Notice

The 22nd 1857 WG meeting will take place in Hainan Hongyun Hotel , Haikou, China. At the WG plenary meeting held in the afternoon of Dec. 17th, we will hear reports given by each subgroup chair on the standard draft progress of P1857.4, P1857.5, P1857.6, P1857.7, P1857.8 and P1857.9.

The detailed logistic information is as below,

Meeting Date/Time Room Meeting Chair
The 22nd 1857 WG Plenary meeting 17 Dec., 2016
From 16:00 Beijing time
Big Meeting room on 3F GAO Wen:
WU Feng:
Venue: Hainan Hongyun Hotel , No. 15, Haixiu Avenue, Longhua District, Haikou, Hainan Province, China. Tel: +86 898-36669988

Physical presence or by conference call to WG plenary meeting (Chinese domestic call only+86 95040263263 or international call at +86 10 60778888 Password: 93858045#). The call service will not be provided if no return slip is received to request call service before Dec. 10, 2016.

Accommodation: if in need, please contact us for detailed information or book here

Contact: Ms. Haiying Xie,  MP: +86 13126758816   Tel: +86 10 8228 2177

If you are going to attend this meeting in whatever way, please reply to by attaching the form at the bottom of the notice before Dec. 14, 2016.
Return Slip:

If you are going to attend this meeting, please reply to with the form below.

Name Affiliation Employer E-mail





Mobile phone
Choose the way to participate and your tel. No.
(by deleting the Yes of the other)
In person: YES
By telephone: YES
and my telephone No. is:

Note: a. If you will participate by telephone, please provide your telephone no. for our convenience of identifying your presence and you are suggested to connect into our tele-conference room two minutes before the meeting.


Date: 2016/12/17
Time: 09:00-18:00, August 26-27, 2016.
Venue: Hainan Hongyun Hotel , No. 15, Haixiu Avenue, Longhua District, Haikou, Hainan Province, China. Tel: +86 898-36669988

1 Agenda Approval Wen Gao/Feng Wu
2 IEEE-SA patent policy statement Cliff Reader
3 P1857.4- Advanced video Report on the draft process
(90% complete by last meeting)
Siwei Ma
4. P1857.5-Mobile Speech Report on the draft process
(WG D1 vote by last meeting)
Xiaochen Wang
5 P1857.6-digital media content description Report on the draft process
(version 2.0 at last meeting)
Hanqing Lu
6 P1857.7AVS2 system Report on the draft process Xilin Chen/Luntian Mou
7 P1857.9 – VR Report on the draft process Ronggang Wang
8 Future Meetings   Feng Wu /en Gao
9 Resolution   Feng Wu/Wen Gao