Meeting Minutes of the 47th IEEE C/DC 1857 Working Group Plenary Meeting
The 47th meeting of the IEEE C/DC 1857 Working Group was held via conference call, quorum reached. The meeting was hosted by Dr. Siwei Ma, the chair of 1857 WG.
Dr. Siwei Ma presented the patent slides at the meeting. A call for potentially essential patents was made, and no potentially essential patent claims were declared, and no holders of potentially essential patents were identified. All members could ask for the IEEE official patent document from the secretariat. The IEEE copyright policy and participant behavior statement was presented then, no question raised.
Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Prof. Dong Liu; Second: Prof. Yiling Xu). The agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.
1857.11-Neural Network-Based Image Coding
the Sub-WG received and discussed 8 input contributions about reference software status, standard development, BD-rate calculation, and CE respectively. The working subgroup planned to work on a unified WD and a unified reference software by combining the existing NIC, iWave, and BEE.
1857.12-Standard for Smart Media Transport
The 1st round of ballot has been successfully finished with 77% return rate and 100% accept rate. The second round was launched and will be finished on 31st August, 2022.
Revision Project Status-1857,1857.2,1857.3
The revision projects are launched, 1857-Rev was working on the draft standard modification and the 1857.2-Rev was completed its first version and will be submitted to WG as soon as possible.
Approval of the establishment of CRG for1857.12 standard
Motion to approve the establishment of CRG for 1857.12 standard (Mover: Ms. Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Prof. Yiling Xu).
The CRG (Comment Resolution Group) for P1857.12 was established on this meeting. The scope of the CRG is to handle the comments received during the ballot of P1857.12.
The CRG is responsible to resolve the comments received at IEEE SA Ballot and report to the DCSC chair directly and the chair is authorized to respond to the balloters’ comments via a recirculation ballot(s).
The CRG members is listed below: Yiling Xu, Puyue Hou, Lizhi Hou, Xiaoxu Luan.
The meeting minutes were written by Xiaoxu LUAN. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled at 9:00 (Beijing Time Zone, GMT +8.00) in December (Will be informed via our official website in advance). Remote attendees can request to set up a teleconference service at least one week before the meeting.
This resolution included the agenda was approved on the meeting.
The meeting closed at 12:00pm on August 26th, 2022.
Annex 1: Meeting Agenda
Annex 2: Attendance List