The 1857.8 is working on the second generation of IEEE std 1857.2-2013 [IEEE Standard for Advanced Audio Coding], which provides more flexible and high efficiency coding tool sets for compression, decompression, and packaging of the audio data which should double the coding efficiency of IEEE std 1857.2-2013. The target applications and services include but are not limited to the audio accompanying video and other audio services and applications, such as the audio accompanying Internet video, TV audio system, digital audio storage, Audio broadcasting and communication.
Latest Action: The P1857.8 PAR was authorized on Dec 05, 2015. It is open to anyone who is interested in the technology we are standardizing. (Jan.05, 2016)
Standard Evolvement
- 1857.8-Standard for 2nd Generation Audio Coding
Project Authorization Request (PAR)
Membership List
Surname First Name Affiliation Note Dou Weibei Tsinghua University Subgroup Chair Reader Cliff Self-Employed Liang Fan Sun Yat-sen University Sun Hui-Fang Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) Xiao Jing Wuhan University Wang Jing Beijing Institute of Technology Jiang Lin Wuhan University Mou Luntian Peking University Hu Ruimin Wuhan University Ma Siwei Peking University Zhang Tao Tianjin University Huang Tiejun Peking University Gao Wen Peking University Feng Wu University of Science and Technolgoy of China Wang Xiaochen Wuhan University Pan Xingde Beijing Angel Voice Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. Yang Yuhong Wuhan University
Contact information
Weibei Dou (Chief Editor)
IEEE Standards Staff Liaison for 1857:
IEEE 1857 Practice Team:
Xiaoxu Luan (Secretary)