IEEE C/DC 1857 Working Group
IEEE Audio Video Coding Working Group (1857 WG)

The 34th 1857 Working Group Meetings Notice


The 34th 1857 Work Group Meetings will be held in the Function Hall II of The Coli Hotel Shenzhen(Shenzhen, China), on December 7th, 2019.

Proposals for all joint subgroups will be collected through AVS system.

The meeting schedule is as below,

Meeting Date/Time Convener Location
P1857.8 Subgroup/ AVS Audio subgroup meeting Dec 07 09:00am -10:30am Weibei DOU: The Coli Hotel – Function Hall II
P1857.9/AVS VRU subgroup meeting Dec 07 10:30am -12:00pm Ronggang WANG:
P1857.10 /AVS Video meeting Dec 07 1:30pm -2:30pm Siwei MA:


Please refer to the register email and complete the registration before November 6th, 2019.


If you have any question or need any help, please contact with the person below,


Ms. Xiaoxu LUAN


MP: +86 18098958990

Tel: +86 755 85092273

Address: No.2 Xingke One Street, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China