IEEE 2804
IEEE P2804 - Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-many-core (SHIM) Working Group

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Call for Participation: The second meeting of IEEE Standard for Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Core (SHIM)

Teleconference, May 23rd Thu 11:00 PM-0:30 AM (JST)/ May 23rd Thu 4:00 PM-5:30 AM
(CEST) May 23rd Thu 10:00-11:30 AM (EDT)/May 23rd Thu 7:00 AM-8:30 AM (PDT)

Meeting Agenda:IEEE_P2804_Agenda_0523_2019_unappoved

Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Core (SHIMTM) or IEEE P2804 TM, is a new  standard includes performance estimation accuracy for complex processors like Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) core and complex contention scenarios, description of caches to include uncached memory regions and caches for subsets of memories, properties for coarse power consumption estimation, and reusability by separating eXtensible Markup Language (XML) files for processor description and other memory/communication-related information.

The project is managed by the Design Automation Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. Stakeholders for the standard include system developers, semiconductor vendors, and tool vendors.

Currently, participation and support for this project is from: The Multicore Association (MCA), Embedded Multicore Consortium (EMC), eSOL, Silexica, and Nagoya University.

We solicit the participation of those that are effected by, or the beneficiaries of this much needed standard. For additional information, please contact the Sponsor, the Design Automation Committee Chair, Stanley Krolikoski at or visit

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