IEEE C/DC 2941 Working Group
IEEE C/DC AI Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management Working Group

Meeting Minutes of the 2nd IEEE DC P2941 Working Group Plenary Meeting

The 2nd AIM Working Group plenary meeting was held via conference call, and quorum reached.

IEEE Patent Policy: Call for Patents

The call for patents was issued; none raises or if any concerns were raised for consideration.

IEEE Copyright Policy

The copyright policy was presented. There were no questions or concerns.

Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Ms. Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Dr. Chao Yang). The agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.

Report Progress of P2941

The first sub-group meeting was held.

Report Progress of P2941.1

The PAR of P2941.1 was submitted to the NesCom Meeting (23-25, March). In view of the comment to add AISC as a joint committee, the working group, after discussing and reporting to DCSC, has sent an invitation email, but has not received a reply within the time limit, and finally decided to maintain the current form.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled at 4:00pm (Beijing Time Zone, GMT 8:00am) in June at Hainan, China (will be informed via the official website in advance). Remote attendees can request to set up teleconference service at least one week ahead of the meeting.

The meeting closed at 04:40pm, March 18th, 2021