IEEE P3108 Working Group


The goal of creating standards for all aspects of studies in the HRI domain is a large one and to make it more manageable we have divided our labor among a handful of different sub-groups. These are listed below:

Subgroup 01 | Participants

:: Objective ::

To create standards regarding participants in research studies with an emphasis on:

  • Equity (gender/sex balance, ethnicity/race, disability, etc.) – study’s implications for equity, stereotyping, etc.
  • Participant training/familiarization with the tasks, participant prior expertise.
  • Participant reporting – what and how.
  • Ethics.
  • Ethical study design with vulnerable participants where there is risk for attachment and dependency (for assistive robotics).
  • Participant safety.
  • IRB guidelines / consistency informed consent – refer to established guidelines.

Subgroup 02 | Study Design

:: Members ::

This groups is being chaired by Drs Alessandra Rossi and Patrick Holthaus. See all members here.

:: Objective ::

To create standards regarding study design in research studies with an emphasis on:

  • How many participants are needed? How do you justify the number (statistically)?
  • Grouping of participants, counterbalancing, etc.
  • Longitudinal studies in ecologically valid contexts.
  • Task design, pilot studies/manipulation checks.
  • Method definition/description (underlying hypothesis, researcher intervention, expertise required to reproduce experiments, etc.).
  • Guidelines for online/video studies.

Subgroup 03 | Metrics & Measures

:: Objective ::

To create standards regarding metrics and measures in research studies with an emphasis on:

  • What to collect and how?
  • Questionnaire design, validation of surveys, etc.
  • Publishing survey items; guidelines on figures and tables
  • Non-statistical methods
  • Statistical methods

Subgroup 04 | Data Reporting

:: Objective ::

To create standards regarding data reporting in research studies with an emphasis on:

  • How to enable replicability within paper limits – guidelines for supplemental documentation?
  • Figures and tables – in the context of human studies – experimental setup?
  • Experimental material release – documentation guidelines, scripts for study procedure
  • Physiological measures – how reliable
  • Statistical analysis
  • Effect size reporting
  • Study pre-registration –guidance on what to preregister, TRL

Subgroup 05 | Appendix

:: Objective ::

To create a standardized appendix building upon the data and reporting standards developed in other sub-groups.