P3349 - Space System Cybersecurity Working Group

P3349 Working Group Fourth Meeting


IEEE P33 49 - Space System Cybersecurity Working Group (S2CYWG) October 20, 2023 – 10:30 am – 11:30 am EDT (16:30-17:30 CEST) Meeting link: https://ieeesa.webex.com/ieeesa/j.php?MTID=mf889f008d13ec6b8d80ce81fb2d21af9 Meeting number (access code): 2340 865 1935 Meeting password: RQsAuhp2e43

P3349 Working Group Third Meeting


Draft Agenda Call to Order Introduction and summary of the previous meeting Approval of Agenda Subcommittee Officers Presentation Appointment Subcommittee Chairs Activity Presentation Update Government Advisory Subcommittee Presentation Standard Vocabulary Presentation Discussion Next Meeting Adjourn

P3349 Working Group Second Meeting


Meeting link: https://ieeesa.webex.com/ieeesa/j.php?MTID=mb8a8f33fd32ac86759dc21bfcff008d2  Meeting number: 2344 194 6605 Password: vEVCJp2h3J5 Host key: 925483 Agenda: Call to Order a. Introduction and summary of the first meeting 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Presentation of the Subcommittees a. Space Segment Subcommittee b. Link Segment Subcommittee c. Ground Segment Subcommittee d. User Segment Subcommittee e. Integration Layer Subcommittee 4. […]