P4005 - Standards and protocols for soil spectroscopy

Meeting # 2

We would like to thank you for massively participating to the first meeting of P4005 Working Group. As a follow up action, the second meeting of IEEE P4005 can now be announced. Since the Standard Protocol and Scheme for Measuring Soil Spectroscopy Working Group is mainly based on its participants’ contribution, you are kindly invited […]

SG-1 meeting #1


SG6 (Field operational scheme) 1st meeting

On behalf of the P4005 WG Officers are glad to anonunce that Nicholas Francos and Thomas Schmid invite you to the first SG6 meeting on the Thursday 11th of March 2021, 15:00 – 16:30, CET. Webex Teleconference: https://ieeesa.webex.com/ieeesa/j.php?MTID=ma253ee6902a0ecf423c9dc36d03cde89