IEEE C/DC 3184 Working Group
IEEE Data framework for autonomous driving Working Group (3184 WG)

IEEE P3184 Working Group Draft Meeting Minutes June, 23, 2022 – 09:00-11:00

IEEE P3184 Working Group
Meeting Minutes
June, 23, 2022 – 09:00-11:00
Meeting Minutes Recorded by:  Li Li


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by the Working Group Chair, Yanyong Zhang.
  2. Approval of the Agenda
    Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Yu Zhang) The agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.
  3. IEEE Patent Policy: Call for Patents
    The call for patents was issued. There were no questions or concerns.
  4. IEEE Copyright Policy
    The copyright policy was presented. There were no questions or concerns.
  5. Roll call and Disclosure of Affiliation
    Attendees present stated their name and affiliation. Note here if a quorum was established. A list of attendees (name, affiliation, and voting status) is attached.
  6. A brief introduction of DFAD
    Yu Zhang gave a brief introduction of DFAD.
  7. Approval of the Process& Procedures (P&P)
    Motion to approve the P&P policy. (Mover: Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Yu Zhang). Xiaoxu Luan introduced the Policies and Procedures for: Working Groups Sponsored by Data Compression Standard Committee-for Individual revised by DCSC. After discussion at the meeting, all members agreed that this version should be the on-going P&P document of P3184 Working Group.
  8. Appointment of Officers
    The chair of P3184, Yanyong Zhang appointed Yu Zhang as the vice chair, Li Li as the secretary.
  9. Approval of the meeting minutes
    Motion to approve the minutes. (Mover: Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Yu Zhang) The meeting minutes were unanimously approved without objection.
  10. Future Working Group Meetings
    The next meeting is scheduled at the end of August. The specific date and time will be distributed on the website no later than 1 month in advance.
  11. Adjourn

Attachment 1: Meeting Agenda

The 1st IEEE C/DC DFAD Working Group (3184 WG) Plenary Meeting Agenda

Date: June 23, 2022, from 9:00 Beijing Time

Venue: Virtual conference via Tencent Meeting TM

1 Agenda Approval Yanyong Zhang
2 IEEE-CS patent policy statement Xiaoxu Luan
3 IEEE Copyright policy statement Xiaoxu Luan
4 Attendance List Yanyong Zhang
5 A Brief Introduction of DFAD Yu Zhang
6 Approval of the Process &Procedures Xiaoxu Luan
7 Appointment of Officers Yanyong Zhang
8 Approval of Meeting Minutes Yanyong Zhang
9 Next Meeting (End of August) Yanyong Zhang




Attachment2: Attendance list

No Last Name First Name Affiliation Roster
1 Zhang Yanyong University of Science and Technology of China Chair
2 Zhang Yu University of Science and Technology of China Vice Chair
3 Li Li University of Science and Technology of China Secretary
4 Kang Tian Attrsense Voting member
5 Chen Jiong NIO Voting member
6 Zhu Xinguang University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
7 Ji Jianmin University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
8 Gong Lei University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
9 Li XingChen University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
10 Chu Xiaomeng University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
11 Li Yao University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
12 You Guoliang University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
13 Liu Shuo University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
14 Yue Lishengsa Tongji University Voting member
15 Lai minxin University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
16 Wang Shunhong University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
17 Zhu Hanqi University of Science and Technology of China Voting member
18 Zhuang Hanyang Shanghai Jiao Tong University Voting member
19 Luan Xiaoxu PCL Voting member