This subgroup plans to provide methods, tools, benchmarks, resources and testing procedures to define and quantify the quality of 3D models as well as the quality of the critical metadata for use cases, such as body landmarks and measurements. In addition, this sub-group plans to evaluate the requirements needed for materials such as textiles for quality of garment modeling.

3D Ecosystem
To understand the landscape of the 3D ecosystem, the P3141 will be determining different use cases and conducting 3D scanning technologies review along with recommendations for Metadata and File formats requirements.
- 3D scanning technologies
- Use Cases
- Metadata and File Format Requirements

Communication, Security, Privacy, and Trust (CSPT)
This subgroup is investigating the secure transmission and storage, as well as the use, protection and privacy of records that contain personal information as it pertains to 3D body processing. The IEEE 3DBP hopes to leverage existing global practices to examine adjacent projects that may provide insights into CSP procedures, establish and formalize processes to help ensure CSP methods, and develop minimum CSP practices to improve individual privacy and security, regardless of the communication protocol used in information or record exchange and storage. This subgroup is also analyzing how new technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, Internet of Things, big data, 5G communications, and other technologies may impact the retail environment.

P3141 – Standard for 3D Body Processing
This standard addresses the anthropometric and topo-physiological attributes that contribute to the quality of experience of 3D body processing, as well as identifying and analyzing metrics and other useful information, as well as data relating to these attributes. The standard defines a harmonized framework, suite of objective and subjective methods, tools, and workflows for assessing 3D body processing quality of experience attributes. The standard specifies and defines methods, metrics, and mechanisms to facilitate interoperability, communication, security and trusted operation of 3D body processing technologies. This includes quality of output of devices (such as sensors and/or scanners), digitization, simulation and modeling, analytics and animation, data transmission and visualization in the 3D body processing ecosystem, the ecosystem being in the near environment that interacts with the body. More information on the 3D Body Processing Working Group.