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Measurementality Series
Measurementality is a new series of podcasts, webinars and reports created by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) in collaboration with The Radical AI Podcast focused on defining what counts in the Algorithmic Age. While it’s critical that Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) are transparent, responsible, and trustworthy, Measurementality will explore the deeper issues around what measurements of success we’re optimizing for in the first place.
2018 IEEE P7000 Series Update
Join Konstantinos Karachalios, Managing Director of the IEEE Standards Association for an update about the latest activities focused on Ethics and Autonomous/Intelligent Systems.
Ethical and Data Considerations for System Design Webinar Series
As the use and impact of autonomous and intelligent systems become pervasive, there is a need to establish societal and policy guidelines in order for such systems to remain human-centric, serving humanity’s values and ethical principles. The IEEE Standards Association currently has fourteen standards projects, the IEEE P7000 series of standards, under development to allow for an elevated level of trust between people and technology that is needed for its fruitful, pervasive use in our daily lives.
The Status of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems in Africa
On 17 April 2018, host Moira Patterson, IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) global affairs program director, along with African thought leaders Tensae Ayalew, Damola Morenikeji, Zvikomborero Murahwi and Hruy Tsegaye give an insider’s perspective on the latest innovations, developments and insights on how A/IS is developing in Africa today.
Policy for Artificial Intelligence: The Power of Imaginaries
The third in a series of three online events on Policy for Artificial Intelligence, Policy for Artificial Intelligence: The Power of Imaginaries, features Konstantinos Karachalios (Managing Director, IEEE Standards Association; Member of IEEE Management Council), Nicolas Miailhe (Co-Founder and President, The Future Society; Harvard Kennedy School, Senior Visiting Fellow, Program on Science Technology and Society and member, the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, Arohi Jain, Project Leader, The AI Initiative and Tess Posner Executive Director of AI4ALL. John C. Havens, Executive Director, The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, will moderate.
Prioritizing Wellbeing for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems
Policy for Artificial Intelligence: A Global Perspective
In Policy for Artificial Intelligence: A Global Perspective, Konstantinos Karachalios (Managing Director, IEEE SA; Member of IEEE Management Council), Arisa Ema (Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo and Visiting Researcher at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project), and Nicolas Miailhe (Co-Founder and President, The Future Society Harvard Kennedy School, Senior Visiting Fellow, Program on Science Technology and Society and member, discuss the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Autonomous Systems).
Policy for Artificial Intelligence: Ethics and Inclusion for the Algorithmic Age
This webinar is the first in a series of three online events on Policy for Artificial Intelligence. This global Online Civic Debate is a 6-month campaign using massive collective intelligence to identify ideas and solutions for the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on society. Leveraging this platform would allow us to present actionable policy tools to government and decision makers.
The Human Standard: Why Ethical Considerations Should Drive Technological Design
In the age of autonomous and intelligent machines, it is more important than ever to help technologists and organizations be cognizant of the ethical implications of the products, services, or systems they are building and how they are being built before making them available to the general public. While established codes of ethics provide instrumental guidance for employee behavior, new values-centric methodologies are needed to complement these codes to address the growing use of algorithms and personalization in the marketplace.