P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 2 Agenda & Minutes

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of previous mtg
4. IEEE Patent Policy
5. Overview of the SICD and related SAR Metadata Standards
6. Discussion of scope and organization of the present standard
7. Other Business
8. Future Meetings
9. Adjourn

Minutes of SAR Metadata Std Working Group Meeting
July 25, 2018

1. Call to order
Leland Pierce
Nicholas Orlando
SiriJodha Khalsa
Wade Schwartzkopf
Ronald Caves
Kevin Romero
Betty Evans
Marielle Chabot, Maxar

2. Approval of agenda
Betty made a motion for approval of the agenda.
Kevin seconded.
no discussion. no opposition.
motion passes.

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
Betty made a motion for approval of the minutes.
Kevin seconded.
no discussion. no opposition.
motion passes.

4. IEEE Patent Policy
Leland presented the IEEE Patent policy. There were no comments from
the attendees concerning patent issues that they were aware of.

5. Overview of SICD std and related SAR stds
Wade presented his overview of the current standard.
Ron was concerned about proprietary and regulatory issues.
Wade said he thought that it was designed to not go into so much
detail that those would be a problem.
For scansar would need to add relationships between burts.
Can deal with multiple receive apertures as long as only one complex
image is the result.
aspects and instrumnets that are either poorly handled or not handled
by the current standard:
native doppler (as in ALOS, uavsar)
full bistatic
sentinel-1 (current std can only handle 1 burst not multiple)

6. Discussion of scope and organization of current std

7. Other business?
It was suggested that perhaps we should consider adding a
conformance specification to the standard, as ISO does.

8. Next meeting
Our next meeting will be:
Thursday aug 23, 2018, 10AM US Eastern tiume

9. Adjourn
Betty made a motion for adjournment.
Kevin seconded.
no discussion. no opposition.
motion passes.