P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 13 Agenda & Minutes

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of previous mtg
4. IEEE Patent Policy
5. Discussion of Draft Standard
6. Other Business
7. Future Meetings
8. Adjourn

Minutes of SAR Metadata Std Working Group Meeting
May 7, 2020

1. Call to order
Leland Pierce
Wade Schwartzkopf
Marc Trachy
Crag Stringham
Hari Priya

no quorum, so no voting.

2. Approval of agenda

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting

4. IEEE Patent Policy
1. slides 1-4 were shown and discussed by the chair
2. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is
personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that

3. responses:

5. Discussion of current draft standard

went over the glossary of terms to decide what to do with each:
across-track: keep, modify as per comments
AMI: delete (sensor-specific)
Active Remote Sensing System: delete (too generic)
ASAR: delete (sensor-specific)
along-track: keep, modify as per comments
alternating polarization: delete (sensor-specific)
amplitude: delete, make new term: “complex amplitude” and make sure to
define “magnitude” (later) as
magnitude = sqrt( re*re + im*im)
where “complex-amplitude” = re + j*im
where j= sqrt(-1)
antenna: delete, too generic, see next item
antenna array: keep, rewrite to make it an electronically-steered
array, as opposed to the current defn that seems to be
a static array
attenuation: delete, not used
azimuth ambiguity: delete, no used
azimuth bandpass filtering: delete, not used
azimuth beam inversion: keep, revise to make it clear its related to
stripmap only,
use “also known as”: slow-time beam compensation
azimuth compression: keep, remove ref. to Hamming
azimuth descalloping: remove, add new term: “image domain beam compensation”
azimuth time: remove,
add new term: “zero doppler time” or “center of aperture time”
add new term: “slow time since collection start”
backscatter: keep, add “also-known-as”: return, echo
band: remove, too generic
bandwidth: keep, Marc will write better defn
beam: keep, use Wade’s defn
beam mode: remove, but include in the spec. for “mode ID”
beam position: remove, not used
beta-0: keep
add defns for sigma-0 and gamma-0
bragg scattering: remove, not used
brightness: remove, no used
cardinal effect: remove, no used
c-band: remove, no used
chirp compression: remove, no used
circular polarization: keep, need to add to document
(see tables in SICD doc)
circularly polarized antenna: remove, too specific
clutter: rename to “distributed returns” and make sure it is used in
the part of document referring to radiometric calibration.
and make sure define and use “point returns” in the same
part of the document.
coherence: remove, not used
interferometric sar: remove, not used
conservation of confusion: remove, not used
conservation of coordinates: remove, not used
conservation of energy: remove, not used
co-polarization maxima: remove, not used
co-polarization nulls: remove, not used
co-polarization signature: remove, not used
corner reflector: remove, not used
cross-polarization maxima: remove, not used
cross-polarization nulls: remove, not used
cross-polarization signature: remove, not used
cross-polarized waves: remove, not used
degree of polarization: remove, not used
depolarization: remove, not used
detection: remove, not used
dipole sheet transform: remove, not used
doppler freq: keep, use “slow time” not “az time” in defn
dump last sentence. include equation(s)
doppler radar: remove, not used
dynamic range: keep
electromagnetic displacement: remove, not used
electromagnetic spectrum: keep
elliptical polarization: keep
elliptically polarized antenna: remove, too specific
ERS: remove, sensor-specific
frequency: keep
frequency assignment: remove, not used
frequency modulation: remove, not used
frequency rate: keep
horizontal polarization: keep, but modify so it is clear what
horizontal and vertical are referenced to: a ground plane, local
satellite level, or something else….
HH: remove, too specific, define when used in the document
HV: remove, too specific, define when used in the document

6. Other business?


7. Next meeting
Our next meeting will be on :
Wednesday, May 20, 10AM Eastern time

8. Adjourn