P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 32 Minutes

Jan 25, 2023, 11AM ET, 4PM GMT

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call and Affiliation Declaration
    Darren Muff, ICEYE
    Daniel Pressler VSC
    Marc Trachy, VSC
    Mike Stewart, VSC
    Nathan Bombaci, VSC
    Shuji Fujimare, Synspective
    SiriJodha, IEEE
    Brett Johnson, VSC
  3. Approval of Agenda
    Marc moved, Darren seconded
    No discussion, approved
  4. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    SiriJodha moved, Nathan seconded
    No discussion, approved
  5. IEEE SA Patent & Copyright Policies; Participant Behavior
    Patent and copyright slides were shown and discussed by the chair. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
    No discussion.
  6. Draft status review
    Status of current draft was provided Mike Stewart discussed what had been completed, and what parts still remain to be finalized.
    Comments were made on the updates since SICD, support for “bursty” data, XML->JSON, bistatics, some terminology. The “Grid” section of the standard has evolved significantly since the original SICD.
    Largest discussion revolved around the Global.Scene.ImageGrid and whether that should be a required structure or not. Issue was not fully resolved and feedback will be sought from others in the group who could not attend this meeting.
    There was more technical discussion than could fit in 60 minutes, with several observations and discussions still left on the table. So agreement was made to start tracking some of the issues formally in GITHUB issues and to increase pace of meetings to 2 weeks for the near future.
  7. Unfinished Business/Action Item Review
    None discussed.
  8. New Business
    None discussed.
  9. Future Meetings
    Feb 8, 11AM EST (4PM GMT)
  10. Adjourn
    Mike moved, Marc seconded
    No discussion, passed.