Hybrid meeting
In-Person at the ICASSP conference at 7-9 p.m. local Greece time at the Sheraton Hotel. Please arrive at the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel by 6:45 p.m. local Greece time to be escorted to the meeting location.
Virtual on WebEx platform
- Meeting link:
- https://ieeesa.webex.com/ieeesa/j.php?MTID=me92e142e8fa68837d6f5e89e9e784539
- Meeting number:
- 2342 800 8754
- Password:
- 93jdPuj8JFM
- Host key:
- 884897
- Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
- Join by phone
+1-646-992-2010 United States Toll (New York City)
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
Access code: 2342 800 8754
Host PIN: 0304