IEEE Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee


As of 30 March 2023, the IEEE Signal Processing Society Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee members are (name and affiliation as captured in the member list):

First NameLast NameEmployer and/or Affiliation
PeterVouras (Chair)US DoD
Kumar Vijay Mishra (Vice Chair)United States Army Research Laboratory
Alexandra (Aly)Artusio-Glimpse (Secretary)NIST
TareefAl-MahdawiBAE Systems
ChristopherBarnesGeorgia Institute of Technology
BlairBonnettHelmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Venkata VeerendranadhChebroluSiemens Medical Solutions USA Inc.
BenjaminDeutschmannGraz University of Technology
ArminDoerrySandia National Laboratory
BradleyEvansUniversity of New Mexico
FabrizioGerardiUniversità di Roma Tor Vergata
JamesGilbGeneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., University of San Diego
AmlesetKelatiUniversity of Turku – IEEE Sweden SPS chair 
DavidMichelsonThe University of British Columbia
Bhavani Mysore ShankarAssistant Professor, university of Luxembourg
CorinaNafornitaPolitehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
ShobhaRamIndraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIITD)
ChrisRufUniversity of Michigan
EnriqueSantiagoLockheed Martin
ShubhamSharmaGalaxeye Space
BariscanYonelRensselaer Polytechnic Institute