- Call to Order
- Roll Call and Affiliation Declaration
Ron Caves, MDA
Brett Johnston, Valkyrie
Bob Johnston, Valkyrie
SiriJodha Khalsa, IEEE GRSS
Jim Klucar, Capella
Jan Krecke, Synspective
William Marcinak, MAXAR
Darren Muff, ICEYE
Leland Pierce, University of Michigan
Danniel Pressler, Valkyrie
Ryan Sanchez, Umbra
Wade Schwartzkopf, NGA
Mike Stewart, Valkyrie
Marc Trachy, Valkyrie
Adam Villarreal, Valkyrie - Approval of Agenda
Bob Johnston moved, Leland Pierce seconded
No discussion, approved - Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Leland Pierce moved, Bob Johnston seconded
No discussion, approved - IEEE SA Patent & Copyright Policies; Participant Behavior
Patent and copyright slides were shown and discussed by the chair. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
No discussion. - Draft Update/GITHUB Issues/PRs
Reviewed the Image Projections addition to the document. It is mostly complete, but had a couple small lingering issues that kept if from being fully approved before this meeting.
Reviewed documentation which was added to describe relationships of commonly used radiometric terms.
Pulse timing was deferred to next meeting.
Discussed Quarto, a tool which was reviewed for potentially automating the conversion between markdown code, in which the standard is being built, and Microsoft Word, which is the format required by IEEE editing. The decision was made that it did not meet the needs of the working group at this point, so the pull request would be closed out.
Overview was given of the P4002 liaison to the ISO TC211 56th Plenary Meeting and the ISO SAR standards that were disc.
Informal survey identified that several group members would be at IGARSS this year, so the working group will likely be having a hybrid virtual/in-person meeting at IGARSS.
Finally there was some discussion on the difference between the notations for sigma-zero and sigma-naught. There were no strong feelings expressed with regard to a preference, so unless some group member decides to propose a change via a pull request, the current usage in the standard will remain the same. - Unfinished Business/Action Item Review
None discussed. - New Business
None discussed. - Future Meetings
June 21, 2PM UTC - Adjourn
Marc Trachy moved, SiriJodha Khalsa seconded
No discussion, passed.