IEEE 1588 Working Group


The P1588 Working Group works in subcommittees  dedicated to specific aspects of the IEEE 1588 standard. Each P1588 Subcommittee consists of a subset of P1588 WG members that are interested in the specific aspect. The P1588 Subcommittees prepare and recommend proposals for consideration by the P1588 WG.


  • Scope: The Maintenance Subcommittee handles reported “bugs” or ambiguities in the standard.
  • Chair: Doug Arnold


  • Scope: The Management Subcommittee covers new features related to management of the PTP data sets, and monitoring of PTP instances.
  • Chair: Rodney Cummings

New Features

  • Scope: This subcommittee handles proposals that add to the IEEE 1588 standard new features, excluding security and management related work.
  • Chairs: Stefano Ruffini, Maciej Lipinski


  • Scope: Security Subcommittee covers new features and clarifications related PTP security mechanisms.
  • Chair: Karen O’Donoghue


  • Scope: The Outreach Subcommittee strives to promote awareness and community engagement with IEEE 1588. It provides a point of contact for those interested in learning more about IEEE 1588 and maintains a web presence for the Precision Networked Clock Synchronization Working Group (PNCSWG).
  • Chair: Terry Jones


Note: Information on P1588 subcommittees during the work on IEEE 1588-2019 (2013-2019).