IEEE 1588 Working Group

New Amendment P1588a Provides Enhancements and Explanatory Text for the Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA)

The IEEE 1588TM-2019 Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems recently announced passage of a notable amendment: P1588a-2023: Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Enhancements for Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) Mechanisms. 

The amendment extends the existing Enhanced Synchronization Accuracy Metrics TLV with clarifications and more flexibility in terms of the transmitted time inaccuracy information. It  includes a new annex to explain the operation of the default Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA). This annex provides also a simple/theoretical example of using the Enhanced Accuracy TLV to create an Alternate BMCA which allows selecting path to Grandmaster that minimizes time inaccuracy as reported by the TLV.