Sponsor: EMB Standards Committee, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Sponsor Chair: Carole C. Carey [email protected]
Title: [Revision] Standard for Wearable Cuffless Blood Pressure Measuring Devices
Scope: The intent of this standard revision is to establish objective performance evaluation of wearable, cuffless blood pressure (BP) measuring devices. The standard is independent of the form of the device or the vehicle to which the device is attached or in which it is embedded. The standard is applicable to all types of wearable BP measurement devices that have different modes of operation (e.g., to measure short-term, long-term, snapshot, continuous, beat(s)-to-beat(s) BP, or BP variability). This standard is, however, limited to evaluation of devices that do not use a cuff during measurement and does not cover evaluation of all sphygmomanometers that are used with an occluding or inflatable cuff for the indirect determination of BP on the upper arm or wrist.
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