IEEE P1872.2 Working Group

Title: 1872.2 – Standard for Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Ontology

  • Working Group: AuR – Autonomous Robotics
  • Sponsor: RAS/SC – Standing Committee for Standards
  • Society: RAS – IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
  • Status:  Active PAR

Scope: The purpose of the standard is to extend the CORA ontology to represent more specific concepts and axioms that are commonly used in Autonomous Robotics. The extended ontology specifies the domain knowledge needed to build autonomous systems comprised of robots that can operate in all classes of unstructured environments. The standard provides a unified way of representing Autonomous Robotics system architectures across different R&A domains, including, but not limited to, aerial, ground, surface, underwater, and space robots. This allows unambiguous identification of the basic hardware and software components necessary to provide a robot, or a group of robots, with autonomy (i.e. endow robots with the ability to perform desired tasks in unstructured environments without continuous explicit human guidance).



Alberto Olivares Alarcos, , in charge of P1872.2 webpage