IEEE C/DC 3122 Working Group
IEEE Intelligent Data Processing and Compression for Internet of Things Working Group (3122 WG)

The 5th IEEE C/DC 3122 Working Group Meeting Notice

The 5th IEEE C/DC 3122 WG plenary session is scheduled to be held on December 15th, 2022, via conference call. The meeting schedule is as below, using UTC/GMT +8.00, Beijing Time:

The 5th 3122 WG Plenary SessionDec. 15 14:00-18:00Jinghui Lu:

Please register before December 11th, 2022, from here. The agenda and online meeting information will be sent to registered e-mail 3 days before the meeting.

Please use the contribution template for submitting contributions to the group before 17:00 on December 14th, 2022 (contact us to get the template by leaving a message to this account or sending an e-mail to


Mr. Darui Sun


MP: +86 13466345153

Tel: +86 10 68948888-7216

Address: No.35, Xueyuan Road, Haidian, Beijing, China