IEEE C/DC 3122 Working Group
IEEE Intelligent Data Processing and Compression for Internet of Things Working Group (3122 WG)

Agenda & Meeting Minutes of the 9th IEEE 3122 WG

Date: November 7, 2023, from 14:00 Beijing Time

Online: Tecent meeting number:684-707-356 

1Agenda ApprovalJinghui Lu
2IEEE-CS patent and copyright policy statementDarui Sun
3Attendance ListJinghui Lu
4Proposal DiscussionJinghui Lu
5Work Plan DiscussionJinghui Lu
6Approval of Meeting MinutesJinghui Lu
7Next MeetingJinghui Lu

IEEE P3122 Working Group
Draft Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2023 – 14:00-16:30
Meeting Minutes Recorded by: Darui Sun

  1. Approval of the Agenda
    Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Yuhua Lu; Second: Darui Sun) The agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.

2.  IEEE Patent Policy: Call for Patents
The call for patents was issued; none raised OR if any concerns were raised for consideration.

3.  IEEE Copyright Policy
The copyright policy was presented. There were no questions or concerns.

4.  IEEE Individual Participation
The individual participation policy was presented. There were no questions or concerns.

5.  Contribution discussion
1)   Technology contributions

N012:Time calibration proposal (Lu Jinghui, Chen Zhuanghao)

Introduction: This proposal proposes detailed requirements for time information based on the related information in the N009.

Suggestions for modification:

  1. The technological background and motivation should be explicitly stated.
  2. The title should be limited with the scope of fusion stream format, ”Time information requirements for fusion stream”.
  3. The lowest precision of time should be defined.

Conclusion: accept after revision.

2)   Technology contributions

N013:Security Framework Proposal of IOT Data Protection (Lu Jinghui, Chen Zhuanghao, Lu Yuhua, Dong Qian)

Introduction: This proposal refines the description of the security framework and tools in the N0010.

Suggestions for modification:

  1. The digital signature packet would be added.
  2. The standard would not define the method of signature, but will give informative implementation.
  3. Digital signature without certificate should be proposed as a separate proposal.

Conclusion: accept after revision.

6.  Work plan discussion

The standard draft will be updated and released as draft v1.0 next meeting.

7.  Approval of the meeting minutes
Motion to approve the meeting minutes. (Mover: Song Qiu; Second: Wen Ji)

The meeting minutes were unanimously approved without objection.

8.  Future Working Group Meetings
The next meeting is scheduled in December, 2023. The specific date and time will be distributed on the website no later than 1 month in advance.

9.  Adjourn

Attachment: Attendance List

No.First NameLast NameAffiliationRoster
2     YuhuaLuTCSP 
8WenJiInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
9LuluZuoInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences