Standard for Ethical considerations in Emulated Empathy in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems
This standard defines a model for ethical considerations and practices in the design, creation and use of empathic technology, incorporating systems that have the capacity to identify, quantify, respond to, or simulate affective states, such as emotions and cognitive states. This includes coverage of ‘affective computing’, ’emotion AI’ and related fields.
The purpose of this standard is to provide clear and practical guidance for the design and implementation of empathic systems that are prioritised to maximise human flourishing and protect users from bias, abuse or exploitation.
The approved Project Authorization Request form, which outlines the project in brief, can be download here: P7014 PAR.
Watch this video for an introduction and update on the work so far. (Aug 2022, 16 mins, needs sound).
And visit the Autonomous and Intelligent Systems global initiative for further information about the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethics in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, and the wider P70XX group of ethical standards.
Working Group Meetings
The group’s official meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 14:00 UTC, unless stated otherwise. Meetings are scheduled for 90 minutes.
Meetings are conducted via conference call. The link (and confirmation of time) are distributed to our group’s email reflector in advance of each meeting.
Get Involved
IEEE standards are built on consensus, through the efforts of working groups that are open to all. If you feel you can contribute to this important work, please get onboard.
Speak to the group Chair, Ben Bland ([email protected] // +44 (0) 7702 599 170) or another of the Working Group Officers (see right).
To subscribe to the P7014 public interest email reflector, please send an email to [email protected], containing the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe STDS-P7014 YourFirstName YourListName
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Information published on this site, such as event details, may not be complete or correct. The primary source of info is on the group’s iMeet collaboration portal – access provided after registration of interest.