Welcome to the official site of the Experience API (xAPI) Working Group. In 2017, the Technical Advisory Group on xAPI (TAGxAPI) initiated the creation for a formal working group to standardize the xAPI and related technologies and in 2018 our project authorization request (PAR) was submitted and approved.
The purpose of the xAPI Working Group is to develop a standard to provide an interoperable means to store and retrieve learning experience data as required by modern, data-intensive learning technologies. This project includes the standardization of the existing xAPI Specification and closely related technologies to create an interoperable environment for learning data. Our project organization and goals are included below.
Quick Links
- xAPI Specification at the ADL Initiative
- Join the xAPI Working Group
- xAPI Working Group Documents
- xAPI Working Group Calendar
- Spring 2020 – 9274.1.1 xAPI Standard Draft Complete
- Summer 2020 – 9274.4.2 Recommended Practice for xAPI Cybersecurity writing begins
- Fall 2020 – TAGxAPI provides input to 9274.2.1 xAPI Profile Standard
- Fall 2020 – 9274.2.1 xAPI Profile Standard officially begins standardization activities
- <Following 9274.2.1> – Sub-Groups begin to formally submit PARs for individual profile standardization
xAPI Working Group Organization
The xAPI Working Group is currently working and planning several related efforts. The following diagram illustrates the current organization of our group.
9274.1 – Base Standard Sub-Group
- Goal: Standardize the xAPI specification as IEEE 9274.1.1
- Description: The xAPI base standard lays the foundation for the interoperable exchange of learning data. This standard is critical for the interoperability of the remaining 9274 projects.
- Activity: Currently in active development
- Participation: Open but requires an IEEE open source contribute license agreement (CLA). See the calendar for meeting details.
9274.2 – Profile Standard Sub-Group
- Goal: Standardize the xAPI Profile specification as IEEE 9274.2.1
- Description: The Profile Standard provides an interoperable means to create JSON-LD files that describe how to apply the xAPI Standard for particular use cases and corresponding rules. The JSON-LD can be used as a schema for partial validation of xAPI statements.
- Activity: Not active. TAGxAPI is beginning an informal group intended to provide input into this effort once it kicks off
- Participation: No current participation possible. If you are interested in xAPI Profiles, please contribute to the TAGxAPI profile effort.
9274.3 – Individual Profiles Standards Sub-Group(s)
- Goal: Standardize specific xAPI Profiles as IEEE 9274.3.n
- Description: Whereas 9274.2.1 provided a means to encode profile data as JSON-LD, this group applies that upcoming profile standard to individual profiles. This may include profiles for video, audio, e-learning and more
- Activity: Not active. Requires completion of 9274.2.1
- Participation: No current participation possible. If you are interested in xAPI Profiles, please contribute to the TAGxAP profile effort.
9274.4 – Recommended Practices Sub-Group(s)
- Goal: Provide recommended practices and guides for xAPI and related technologies
- Description: Like the Individual Profiles Standards Sub-Groups, this group will create recommended practices as required. The current two recommended practices include 9274.4.1 Recommended Practice for xAPI Implementation and 9274.4.2. Recommended Practice for xAPI Cybersecurity.
- Activity: 9274.4.2 is active
- Participation: To participate, join the 9274.1.1 working group monthly calls. See the calendar for meeting details.