IEEE SA Fellow Nomination Support Committee (FelCom)

Assisting Standards Participants in the Fellow Nomination Process

The IEEE SA Fellow Nomination Support Committee (FelCom) is a committee of the IEEE SA Board of Governors.  FelCom shall raise awareness and consideration of the technical merit of standards contributions and individual contributors for elevation to IEEE Fellow.

Mission: To assist IEEE SA Standards Participants with an extraordinary record of accomplishments through the IEEE Fellows Nomination process.

Getting started with the nomination process:

  • Provide CV including the impact (i.e., benefit to humanity) of your Standards Development accomplishments
  • Identify one, preferably two, individuals to be your Nominator(s)
  • Contact [email protected] with the above for the 2025 Nomination Class

Contact us for help or to start the nomination process: [email protected]

How we help:

Nominees can contact us for:

  • Help to start the process
  • Help identify major achievements that likely qualify for Fellow elevation
  • Offer guidance on picking a nominator, references and endorsers

Nominators can contact us for:

  • Summarize the nomination process
  • Offer guidance for making strong nominations
  • Offer guidance on picking references and endorsers
  • Raise awareness of special considerations for standards contributors
  • Point to relevant guides and manuals available from the IEEE Fellow Committee and IEEE SA

References can contact us for:

  • Summarize the Fellow evaluation criteria
  • Describe how References are used in the Fellow elevation process
  • Offer guidance for strong Reference input
  • Clarify distinction between References and Endorsers

Endorsers can contact us for:

  • Summarize the Fellow evaluation criteria
  • Describe how References are used in the Fellow elevation process
  • Offer guidance for strong Endorser input
  • Clarify distinction between References and Endorsers
  • Emphasize the added weight of endorsements for standards contributors with achievements that may not be publicly available.