The Program

The IEEE SA Transforming the Telehealth Paradigm Industry Connections Program, now in its third year, provides a open and collaborative platform for a global community of multidisciplinary experts to identify and explore the development of solutions to challenges impeding adoption and innovation in telehealth technologies, devices and systems. Key objectives for this activity include but not limited to:

  • Explore the development of frameworks that can enable connected health devices, digital therapeutics, and telehealth platforms be integrated into the overall system of care and wellness, enable device to device and data to endpoint interoperability, and validate the patient experience with the tools.
  • Enable the future of healthcare of mobilizing all levels of care from the hospital to the home with a seamless, secure, and private bioinformatic data system
  • Address inconsistent or absent technical, security encryption, and privacy-by-design protocols within mobile telehealth platforms
  • Create reliable information and training resources for clinical practioners and facilities to best evaluate technologies and devices to maintain patient trust and validate patient care delivery
  • Establish frameworks for security, connectivity, accessibility, and privacy for future technological innovation in telehealth care delivery
  • Collectively address the challenges to inclusion and equity with a focus on accessibility and feasibility of telehealth systems and devices for the most vulnerable and marginalized patient populations

Current Workstreams

  • API Security for Digital Mental Health Apps and Devices
  • Telehealth System Data Capture and Recycling for Value-Based Care
  • Addressing Inequity and Inefficiency for Pulse Oximeters
  • Mobile Health App Validation and Global Standardized Registry
  • Open Hardware and Software for Multiple-Use Assistive Technologies

Global Multidisciplinary Participation

The program is open to professionals representing small or multi-national entities including hospitals, bio/pharma/medical device manufacturers, government/regulatory agencies, technology developers (hardware and software), academia, and any progressive thinker interested in driving trust in adoption of telehealth as a system of health care. Participants include but are not limited to:

  • Cybersecurity providers
  • Government regulatory and research institutions
  • Health insurance providers
  • Hospital/health systems
  • Industry associations, consortia, and alliances
  • Mobile healthcare providers
  • Technology developers (robotics, AI/ML, blockchain/DLT, IoTs, etc)
  • Telecommunications companies
  • Hospitals/facilities
  • Patient advocacy
  • Pharmaceutical/biotech research company
  • Connected wireless medical device developers/manufacturers


Participation in the IEEE SA Transforming the Telehealth Paradigm IC program is open. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer participant, please write to to express your interest.

If you would like to suggest topical areas that should be explored and/or underwrite to support any of the program’s engagement activities, please write to Maria Palombini, Director, Healthcare and Life Science Global Practice,