Scope: Develop and maintain standards related to:
- Services offered over communication networks;
- Operations, administration, and management of communication networks and services
- Softwarization of communication networks and services
- Virtualization of communication networks and services
- Other related areas
Com/Netsoft-SC Working Groups, Projects and Standards
COM/Netsoft-SC consists of the following Standard Groups:
- NGSON WG: Next-Generation Service Overlay Networks
- QuantumComm WG: Software-Defined Quantum Communication
- SVE WG: Security for Virtualized Environments
- PVE WG: Performance for Virtualized Environments
- RVE WG: Reliability for Virtualized Environments
- SDNBP WG: Software-Defined Networking Bootstrapping Procedures
- SDN-MCM WG: SDN based Middleware for Control and Management of Networks
- SNR WG: Signal/Noise Ratio
- SCTech WG: Smart Cities Technology Framework
- SCA WG: Smart Cities Architecture
- DISCCS WG: Discovering and Intent Sharing between Smart City Component Systems