IEEE P3195 Ontology Standards Working Group

Meeting Agendas

Wed 12 June 2024 1-2 PM EST – Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order
2. Introductions and Affiliation Declarations
a. Establish Quorum
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
5. IEEE Policies Review
a. IEEE Call for Patents
b. IEEE SA Copyright Policy
c. IEEE SA Participation
6. Contributions, Presentations, and Discussions
a. CCO Governance Board status
7. New Business
8. Old Business
a. Cyber Ontology Subgroup (Brian Haugh)
b. Person Ontology (Jim Schoening)
c. IEEE PURL Server (Jim, Mark)
d. Requirements Subgroup (John Beverley)
e. CCO Subgroup (Alexander Cox)

9. Confirm future meeting dates of 14-Aug, 9-Oct, 11-Dec
10. Adjourn