P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 21 Agenda & Minutes

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of previous mtg
4. IEEE Patent Policy
5. Discussion of Draft Standard
6. Other Business
7. Future Meetings
8. Adjourn

Minutes of SAR Metadata Std Working Group Meeting
September 10, 2020

1. Call to order
Leland Pierce
Wade Schwartzkopf
Marc Trachy
Chuck Heazel
Mike Stewart

2. Approval of agenda
Marc moved, Mike seconded, no discussion, no opposition

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
Marc moved, Mike seconded, no discussion, no opposition

4. IEEE Patent and Copyright Policy
1. slides 1-4 were shown and discussed by the chair
2. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is
personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that

Wade will try to get this resolved with NGA soon.

5. Discussion of current draft standard

We then talked about Chuck’s latest XML version of the discovery

control points: has both image-grid and ground coords

valid data: chuck is looking into possible ways to have multiple views
into the raster data, iso 19193

sensor info: sensorML is required, yet not an ISO std.
we need to have an on-line ontology of our terms, so that
this can refer to them using the URL.

grpPosition: being used for sensor posn even though it
refers to “ground reference point”. We need to figure out
a way to fix this.

classification (secret,etc): iso and us-govt don’t agree on how to do
differences: iso country codes: us uses difft codes
classification categories: iso is fairly
brief, us has many more.

we probably want to use the US version of class’n
the country-codes: we should probably use ISO. could we
use both?

then chuck brought up the idea of combining our metadata with the
actual sar data to make a coverage.
While this is beyond the scope of the std (just metadata), it’s
interesting to look at, and maybe we should consider doing both
Might be easier to get a coverage into a cataloging system, which is
very important.

For next time:

Wade said he could come up with a comparison of polynomials vs. grids
in order to try to finish that discussion, as it’s been pending for
over a year.

6. Other business?


7. Next meeting
the group wanted to have the next meeting in 2 weeks, at 11am.
Our next meeting will be on :
Thursday, Sept 24, 11AM Eastern time

8. Adjourn
Marc motioned, Wade seconded. no opposition. passed