P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 35 Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call and Affiliation Declaration
    Rachel Brody, MAXAR
    Ron Caves, MDA
    Andrey Giardino, sarmap
    Brett Johnston, Valkyrie
    Bob Johnston, Valkyrie
    Siri Jodha Khalsa, IEEE
    Jim Klucar, Capella
    Darren Muff, ICEYE
    Leland Pierce, UofM
    Davide Pirrone, e-Geos
    Danniel Pressler, Valkyrie
    Wade Schwartzkopf, NGA
    Mike Stewart, Valkyrie
    Craig Stringham, Capella
    Marc Trachy, Valkyrie
  3. Approval of Agenda
    Marc Trachy moved, Mike Stewart seconded
    No discussion, approved
  4. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    Marc Trachy moved, Mike Stewart seconded
    No discussion, approved
  5. IEEE SA Patent & Copyright Policies; Participant Behavior
    Patent and copyright slides were shown and discussed by the chair. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
    No discussion.
  6. Draft update
    Mike Stewart briefed status of current GITHUB draft. Remaining elements are now enumerate as GITHUB issues and in the outline document on GITHUB. Discussed some potential restructuring.
  7. Open GITHUB issue discussion
    Discussion on JSON vs GeoJSON. Consensus of the group was that GeoJSON should be allowed (and perhaps and example shown in an appendix), but not required.
    There was a more in depth discussion on pros and cons of providing a weighting description vs requiring data to have a uniform weighting. Group was able to have a fuller conversation in this meeting, since not all of the appropriate parties were available at last meeting. Uniform weighting provides standard data that is easier process. Being flexible allows one to describe data that existed before this standard though.
    Additional updates to coordinates and antenna descriptions.
  8. Unfinished Business/Action Item Review
    None discussed.
  9. New Business
    None discussed.
  10. Future Meetings
    March 22, 2PM UTC
  11. Adjourn
    Siri Jodha moved, Darren seconded
    No discussion, passed.