P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 37 Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call and Affiliation Declaration
    Nathan Bombaci, Valkyrie
    Ron Caves, MDA
    Brett Johnston, Valkyrie
    Bob Johnston, Valkyrie
    Jim Klucar, Capella
    Darren Muff, ICEYE
    Leland Pierce, UofM
    Danniel Pressler, Valkyrie
    Wade Schwartzkopf, NGA
    Mike Stewart, Valkyrie
    Craig Stringham, Capella
    Marc Trachy, Valkyrie
    Adam Villarreal, Valkyrie
  3. Approval of Agenda
    Marc Trachy moved, Nathan Bombaci seconded
    No discussion, approved
  4. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    Marc Trachy moved, Nathan Bombaci seconded
    No discussion, approved
  5. IEEE SA Patent & Copyright Policies; Participant Behavior
    Patent and copyright slides were shown and discussed by the chair. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
    No discussion.
  6. Voting summary
    Issue #1: Group decided to not restrict the standard to datasets processed with uniform weighting. Raw group vote was tie with chair breaking the tie.
    Issue #2: Unresolved due to vague wording of issue statement.
    Issue #3: Group voted to make antenna pattern metadata required in the standard. Several voters noted that it would be nice to have additional metadata that speaks to the confidence/precision/region-of-validity of the antenna model.
  7. Open GITHUB issue discussion
    Briefed some of the reorganization in Grid and ImageFormation/Processing sections that were merged into the document since the last meeting.
    Next two weeks will focus on grid and grid type, as well as the image extent polygons. Might get to pulse timing description as well.
    Request for vote will go out this period for whether the output grid will be required.
  8. Unfinished Business/Action Item Review
    None discussed.
  9. New Business
    None discussed.
  10. Future Meetings
    April 26, 2PM UTC
  11. Adjourn
    Marc Trachy moved, Darren Muff seconded
    No discussion, passed.