- Call to Order
- Roll Call and Affiliation Declaration
Nathan Bombaci, Valkyrie
Filippo Britti, e-GEOS
Shaunak De, Capella
Rudi Gens, ASF
Brett Johnston, Valkyrie
Bob Johnston, Valkyrie
SiriJodha Khalsa, IEEE GRSS
Jim Klucar, Capella
Jan Krecke, Synspective
Leland Pierce, University of Michigan
Davida Pirrone, e-GEOS
Danniel Pressler, Valkyrie
Ryan Sanchez, Umbra
Wade Schwartzkopf, NGA
Mike Stewart, Valkyrie
Marc Trachy, Valkyrie
Adam Villarreal, Valkyrie - Approval of Agenda
Nathan Bombaci moved, Bob Johnston seconded
No discussion, approved - Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Bob Johnston moved, Adam Villarreal seconded
No discussion, approved - IEEE SA Patent & Copyright Policies; Participant Behavior
Patent and copyright slides were shown and discussed by the chair. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
No discussion. - Draft Update/GITHUB Issues/PRs
Reviewed the “Slow Time Sampling” and waveform description additions to the document since the last meeting.
It was stated that the goal for the next sections is to get a draft for error statistics out before the next meeting. Geometry parameters may be worked on in the near future as well.
There was discussion on what are the most challenging GITHUB issues remaining and for which issues the group may need to plan significantly ahead. The group identified polarimetric calibration. It was proposed that the working group may need to identify some external expertise for this section, since the group may not currently have the expertise need in that particular area. There were some proposals for experts in the area for the group to reach out to. - Unfinished Business/Action Item Review
None discussed. - New Business
None discussed. - Future Meetings
July 5, 2PM UTC - Adjourn
Dan Pressler moved, Adam Villarreal seconded
No discussion, passed.