P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 6 Agenda & Minutes

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of previous mtg
4. IEEE Patent Policy
5. Integration of SICD with ISO metadata standards, continued
6. Other Business
7. Future Meetings
8. Adjourn

Minutes of SAR Metadata Std Working Group Meeting
January 24, 2019

1. Call to order
(* means voting member):
*Leland Pierce
*SiriJodha Khalsa
*Wade Schwartzkopf
*Kevin Romero
*Betty Evans
*Alexander Awuviri
*Craig Stringham
David Langan
Edward Williams
Gavin Halcrow

we have a quorum.

2. Approval of agenda
1. Is there a motion for approval of the agenda? SiriJodha
2. Is there a second? Craig
3. Is there discussion? none
4. Is there any opposition? none
5. Passes

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
1. Is there a motion for approval of the minutes? SiriJodha
2. Is there a second? Craig
3. Is there discussion? none
4. Is there any opposition? none
5. Passes

4. IEEE Patent Policy
1. slides 1-4 were shown and discussed by the chair
2. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is
personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that

3. responses: None

5. Overview of SICD std and related SAR stds, contin
Wade talked about his views of ISO vs. SICD

1. SICD Collection:
ISO AcqInfo: more comprehensive than SICD: consider using
ISO MD_Constraints: ditto
ISO SensorParams and SARSensor: feels these are not meant for this
discovery-type of information. SO don’t use them. Perhaps come up
with our own addenda to the existing ISO-discovery metadata related
to SAR.

2. Lineage:
likes the ISO stuff, may be useful. Needs more time to better
understand it. Not sure that ISO intends it for what we are planning
to with it.
ISO cv_gridpoint: might make sense to have SICD use this instead of
what it currently does.
SICD-valid-data: provides a general way to blackout any pixel, more
advanced than the ISO-Extent metadata.

3. SICD Grid:
ISO Sensor Model is not really what SICD-grid is doing:
SICD is more concerned with the spatial freq domain.
maybe iso-19159-sig-processing is more relevant?
Need to spend more time to make a better comparison.

4. Timeline: maybe OK

5. ISO 19159 has lots of gaps.
Just “filling them in” may not be the best approach.
Wade likes the lower level structures tht are defined in ISO19159.
He plans to work on grid stuff for next time.

6. Examples of other SAR sensor metadata are perhaps available related
to the INSPIRE stds in europe. Still figuring this out….

7. Wade does not like the ISO cal/val stds

8. ISO sensor mode, sorta useful, but assumes rectangular grid, while
SAR does not give that.
Missing eqns that provide a way to transform from ASR pixel to
ground coordinates
Unclear how it handles bistatic SAR.
Might be worth extending it.

9. SICD Position description: provides a polynomial.
ISO provides state vectors for both Sensor and antenna.
Both seem to provide a valid, accurate way to do this.
Maybe allow both? Provide way to transform between the 2?

10. SICD Image formation:
completely missing from ISO.

11. SICD Radiometric:
ISO seems to have 1 cal constant for entire image.
Really need to have cal that varies across the image.

12. Issue that because of atmospheric effects the time of each pulse
does not really provide an accurate distance estimate.
Craig said that this can amount to tens of centimeters, which is
significant for some applications.
Wade said he would ask Craig for his assistance in dealing with

6. Other business?

6.1 Radiant Earth and their standardizing efforts
what is it: SiriJodha says it’s largely for “discovery”
see: github.com/radiantearth/stac-spec
Since the std we are developing goes far beyond this, not clear
what kind of involvement we should have.
Especially give the ISO discovery standards that already exist.

6.2 SiriJodha and Betty are working on a single calendar for all
events related to our efforts (SAR, GNSS-R, hyperspectral, etc)

6.3 IGARSS standards session may need a 40-minute presentation that
introduces the area for non-specialists.

7. Next meeting
Our next meeting will be on:
Thursday Feb 28, 2019, 10AM US Eastern time

8. Adjourn
1. Is there a motion to Adjourn? Betty
2. Is there a second? SiriJodha
3. Is there discussion? none
4. Is there any opposition? none
5. Passes