P4002 - SAR Metadata Content Standard Working Group

SAR Metadata WG: Meeting 10 Agenda & Minutes

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of previous mtg
4. IEEE Patent Policy
5. Integration of SICD with ISO metadata standards, continued
6. Other Business
7. Future Meetings
8. Adjourn

Minutes of SAR Metadata Std Working Group Meeting
June 27, 2019

1. Call to order
Leland Pierce
Wade Schwartzkopf
Alexander Awuviri
Marc Trachy
Craig Stringham

no quorum, so no voting.

2. Approval of agenda

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting

4. IEEE Patent Policy
1. slides 1-4 were shown and discussed by the chair
2. Chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent
claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is
personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that

3. responses:

5. Overview of SICD std and related SAR stds, contin

First we talked about the idea of adding gridded data to the standard
as opposed to polynomial data.
This is related to information that varies across the image, and
across other dimensions of the data.
See the presentation for the overall idea.

This is seen as very important for airborne sensors, as the wind can
vary quickly in time, necessitating a large order for the polynomial
that could describe this.
The grid approach would be more accurate in such cases.

Can be used for antenna pointing and other parameters.

Wade suggested he could find a paper comparing the 2 approaches.

Marc said that he’d like to swap out all the polynomials in the
current SICD with grids instead.
Besiodes dealing with airborne data better, there are other parameters
that we could use this for, improving on the current SICD standard.

Next, we talked about Wade’s efforts to integrate SICD with ISO at a
more detailed level.
He went over his attempts to understand what part of what ISO standard
could be used to represent, say, start-time and duration.
The number of standards and levels he had to dig through was a bit
much, and he was still not satisfied.
In particular, it seemed that there was too much leeway in
representing these items, and he preferred something precise.
He mentioned GML as something closer to what he wanted, but it still
had a bit too much wiggle.
The genreal feeling by the attendees was that more specific was

Leland will try to find an ISO expert and see if they can help us with
these issues.
He also mentioned that he thought we could define our own very
specific implementation, keeping it consisttent with what ISO
specified in more vague terms.

6. Other business?


7. Next meeting
Our next meeting will be on (at IGARSS):
Wednesday July 31, 2019, 6PM Tokyo time

8. Adjourn