IEEE P1752 Working Group

Sponsor: EMB Standards Committee, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Sponsor Chair:  Dr. Esteban J. Pino

IEEE P1752 Open Mobile Health is now a family of standards

Schemas developed so far for this family of standards can be found on the 1752 OpenSource site

P1752.2 Standard for Mobile Health Data: Representation of Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Metabolic Measures

Scope:  This standard defines specifications for standardized representations for mobile health data and metadata for a set of health measures pertaining to cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic measures. Mobile health data encompasses personal health data collected from sensors and mobile applications.

  • Purpose: The purpose is to provide standard semantics to enable meaningful description, exchange, sharing, and use of mobile health data pertaining to cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic health measures. Data and associated metadata need to be sufficiently clear and complete to support analysis for a set of consumer health, biomedical research, and clinical care needs.
  • Need: Standardizing mobile health data and metadata will make data aggregation across multiple mobile health sources easier and more accurate and will reduce the costs of using mobile health data to make biomedical discoveries and improve health and manage disease.
  • Stakeholders: Wearable device makers, medical device makers, health data aggregators, health information technology systems, health information infrastructure providers, mobile health app developers, biomedical researchers, clinicians, data scientists.

If you wish to participate in the IEEE P1752™ Working Group

Please subscribe to Listserv by sending an email to [email protected]. Please include the following text in your email:

Subject: 1752-wg

Body: subscribe 1752-wg YourFirstName YourLastName

P1752.1 Title: Standard for Mobile Health Data [APPROVED and published as 1752.1-2021]

Scope:  This standard will define specifications for a mobile health data applications programming interface (API) and standardized representations for mobile health data and metadata. Mobile health data encompasses personal health data collected from sensors and mobile applications.

  • Purpose: The purpose is to provide standard semantics to enable meaningful description, exchange, sharing, and use of mobile health data. Data and associated metadata will be sufficiently clear and complete to support analysis for a set of consumer health, biomedical research, and clinical care needs.
  • Need: Standardizing mobile health data and metadata will make data aggregation across multiple mobile health sources easier and more accurate, and will reduce the costs of using mobile health data to make biomedical discoveries and to improve health and manage disease.
  • Stakeholders: Wearable device makers, medical device makers, health data aggregators, health information technology systems managers, health information infrastructure providers, mobile health app developers, biomedical researchers, clinicians, data scientists, government.

In the course of its proceedings, the Working Group narrowed the scope of the PAR to focus on standardized representations of mobile health data for a set of health measures pertaining to sleep and physical activity measures and a minimum set of metadata. This is reflected in both the standard document and the schemas published on the 1752 OpenSource site