P2834 - Standard for Secure and Trusted Learning Systems

Invited Speakers

Guest Speaker: Sergio Martin

Date: 16 May 2022
Title: How to deal with student data management in mobile learning and remote labs?
Abstract of the invited talk: This presentation introduces some of the latest learning technologies developed by Sergio Martin, mostly about mobile learning and remote experimentation. The presentation highlights the potential student data management problems detected in such developments.

Short CV of the speaker: Sergio Martin is Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Department of the National University for Distance Education (UNED) and coordinates a research group related to Connected Industry and Educational Technologies for Engineering Education, with 32 researchers involved. My background is in Computer Engineering with a PhD in Electronics Engineering in 2010.
Sergio Martin has been researching on educational technologies for the last 20 years and volunteering on IEEE at different levels. He is IEEE Senior Member and part of the IEEE Education Society for the last 14 years. He is acting as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies since 2019 and he is part of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Chapter of IEEE Education Society for the last 12 years.
He has also worked on IEEE Education Society projects such as the first MOOCs sponsored by the Society (“Foundations to Open Education and OERs repositories” and “Educational Robotics for all: gender, diversity, and inclusion in STEAM”). Also, He is coordinating the Engineering Education Technologies Report, a project organized from the Society, since 2011.

Guest Speakers: Juan Lalinde and Natalia Bueno

Date: 11 February 2022
Title:  Security Governance in Education Systems
Abstract of the invited talk:
As educational institutions become more automated, student information, both personal data and performance information, is stored. Such information must be appropriately protected in a way that ensures its security and builds trust. Security governance, understood as the process of monitoring the human and technical teams responsible for ensuring security, aims to align the priorities of these processes with the processes of the educational system. It is for this reason that every learning system must be built with safety governance in mind.
Short CV of the Speakers:
Prof. Natalia Bueno:
Natalia Andrea Bueno Pizarro is a Computer Engineer, specialist in Tele informatics, and Master in Engineering with an emphasis in engineering education. She is the Director of the Software Engineering program at UNIMINUTO. She is passionate about education and has 15 years of experience in various fronts in the sector. She participated in the development of the IEEE 1876-2019 – IEEE Standard for Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories. She was a member of the team that developed and registered the UbiTAG model for ubiquitous learning. She has publications in national and international events of successful experiences in engineering education and has accompanied undergraduate and graduate students as an advisor and jury in their undergraduate projects.
Prof. Juan Lalinde:
Juan Guillermo Lalinde Pulido is a Computer Scientist from Universidad EAFIT, Mathematician from Universidad Nacional and PhD in Telecommunications from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain. He is a Research Professor at Universidad EAFIT. Former head of the Computer Science Department and of the Computer Science program. He was visiting researcher at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), in Pensacola, Florida, USA, and Purdue University, in Indiana, USA. He is the scientific director of the scientific computing center APOLO at EAFIT University, Coordinator of the Master in Data Science and Analytics. Certified IBM Quantum Practitioner – Instructor, IBM Cybersecurity Practitioner – Instructor Certificate and professor of the Quantum Computing course at Universidad EAFIT.