IEEE C/DC 3161 Working Group
IEEE Digital Retina Systems Working Group (3161 WG)

Meeting Minutes of the 4th 3161 Working Group Plenary Meeting

The 4th DRS (3161) Working Group plenary meeting is held via conference call.

Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Ms. Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Ms. Xinbei Bai). The agenda is unanimously approved as presented without objection.

IEEE Patent, Copyright, Individual Participant Behavior Policy

Ms. Xiaoxu Luan presented the Patent, Copyright, and Attendee Behavior slides at the meeting. There were no questions or concerns. All working group members can ask for the IEEE official patent and copyright document from the secretary. 

Approval of the establishment of CRG for 3161 standard

Motion to approve the establishment of CRG for 3161 standard (Mover: Ms. Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Ms. Xinbei Bai).

The CRG (Comment Resolution Group) for P3161 was established on this meeting. The scope of the CRG is to handle the comments received during the ballot of P3161.

The CRG is responsible to resolve the comments received at IEEE SA Ballot and report to the P3161 chair directly and the chair is authorized to respond to the balloters’ comments via a recirculation ballot(s).

The CRG members is listed below: Yaowei Wang, Wen Ji, Xinbei Bai, Yan Lan, Xiaoxu Luan, Changyu Liu, Jun Li, Peng Chen, Huiqing Yin, Haojie Zhao, Yao Wang, Peng Yang, Chunhao Zhao, Yunhong Zhou, Dongqing Zhang.

Discussion of the received ballot comments 

The working group received 5 ballot comments. All attendees discussed these comments and reached following agreements:

Some modification shall be taken into consideration, and the draft shall be updated as soon as possible.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled in December 2022 at Beijing, China. The Meeting notice will be posted on our official website one month in advance. Remote attendees can request to set up teleconference service at least one week ahead of the meeting.

This meeting minutes was approved by all attendees. The meeting closed at 12:30 September 20th, 2022.


  1. Agenda
  2. Attendance List
  3. Ballot comments