This is a short one sentance support statement his is a short one
sentance support statement his is a short one sentance
support statement.

Planet Positive 2030 has created the following steps anyone can take right now to
inspire regenerative sustainability and inspire action within your organization:

As 2024 is the year both the EU and the SEC in the US will be requiring reporting around
emissions and other elements outlined in the BSAT


Review / download the presentation above to learn why it’s so important to use a Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool to understand basic ways your organization is using resources like water and energy in your organization.


Designed to directly address regulatory and emissions issues around Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, you’ll learn why taking 60-90 minutes today to fill out the BSAT can also immediately help you learn how your existing planned efforts align to UN SDGs as well as other ESG / regulatory frameworks.


We’d welcome your feedback on a survey designed to aggregate insights around what type of reporting you’re already being asked to provide in your organization and how the BSAT can improve your efforts.

Metrics and Measurement

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Our Work

This is a short one sentance support statement his is a short one
sentance support statement.

Strong Sustainability by Design >>

Accountable Sustainability by Design >>

This can be a summary statement, a repeat of the buttons above or a
link to a another page or next step in the journey