Announcement: The next WG meeting (virtual) is scheduled for October 30 – November 1, 2024
Title: Recommended Practice for Test and Verification Procedures for Inverter-based Resources (IBRs) Interconnecting with Bulk Power Systems
Scope: This document defines recommended practices for test and verification procedures that should be used to confirm plant-level conformance of inverter-based resources (IBRs) interconnecting with bulk power systems in compliance with IEEE Std 2800. The document applies to IBRs in transmission and sub-transmission systems, as defined by the connecting utility. The document may also apply to isolated IBRs that are interconnected to an alternating current (AC) transmission system via dedicated voltage source converter high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) transmission facilities, e.g., offshore wind farms. This recommended practice complements the IEEE 2800 test and verification framework with specifications for the equipment, conditions, tests, modeling methods, and other verification procedures that should be used to demonstrate conformance with IEEE P2800 technical minimum requirements for interconnection, capability, and performance of applicable IBRs.
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