IEEE 2800.2
P2800-2 - Test and Verification of BPS-connected Inverter-Based Resources WG

Officers & Liaisons

P2800.2 Working Group Officers

Role Name email
Chair Andy Hoke [email protected]
Vice Chair Jens C. Boemer [email protected]
Vice Chair Bob Cummings [email protected]
Vice Chair Divya Kurthakoti [email protected]
Vice Chair Julia Matevosyan [email protected]
Vice Chair Steve Wurmlinger [email protected]
Vice Chair Mahesh Morjaria [email protected]
Secretary Manish Patel [email protected]
IEEE Staff Liaison Vanessa Lalitte [email protected]

P2800.2 Liaison

Committee Name email
IEEE/PES/PSRC (Joint Sponsor) Manish Patel [email protected]
IEEE/PES/EM (Joint Sponsor) TBD
IEEE/PES/T&D (Joint Sponsor) TBD
IEEE/PES/AMPS (Joint Sponsor) TBD
NERC IRPS Alex Shattuck [email protected]