IEEE C/DC 2941 Working Group
IEEE C/DC AI Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management Working Group

Meeting Minutes of the 1st AIM Working Group Plenary Meeting

The 1st AIM Working Group plenary meeting was held via conference call.

Dr. Yonghong TIAN presented the patent slides at the meeting. A call for potentially essential patents was made, and no potentially essential patent claims were declared, and no holders of potentially essential patents were identified. All IEEE CS DCSC members could ask for the IEEE official patent document from the secretariat. The IEEE copyright policy was presented by Ms. Meng Zhao. Subsequently, Dr. Yonghong Tian gave a brief introduction of P2941 Working Group.

Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Ms. Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Dr. Chao Yang). The agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.

Approval of the P&P

Motion to approve the P&P policy. (Mover: Ms. Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Dr. Chao Yang). Ms. Xiaoxu Luan introduced the Policies and Procedures for: Working Groups Sponsored by Data Compression Standard Committee-for Individual revised by DCSC. After discussion at the meeting, all members agreed that this version should be the on-going P&P document of P2941.

Appointment of Officers

The chair of P2941, Dr. Yonghong Tian appointed Dr. Chao Yang as the vice chair, Ms. Xiaoxu LUAN as the secretary.

Review of Proposal AIM-01-0001: Standard for Operator Interface of Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Chao Yang presented the proposal. The participants discussed the issue and reached an agreement: The project should be included in P2941, named P2941.1. The chair of P2941.1 is Dr. Chao Yang.

The scope of P2941.1 is to propose a standard of operator interface for artificial intelligence, which takes into account both generality and efficiency. The standard can widely cover different types of AI-related operators, such as basic mathematics, neural network, machine learning, etc., and support different dimensions, different storage formats, different devices, different precision and different types of data processing.

Review of Proposal AIM-01-0002: Standard for Convolution Neural Network Representation and Model Compression

Mr. Guangyao Chen presented the proposal. The participants discussed the issue and reached an agreement: The standard should be considered as the standard of P2941. The standard draft preparation should be launched soon.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled at 9:00am (Beijing Time Zone, GMT 8:00am) on March 19, 2021 at Hainan, China. Remote attendees can request to set up teleconference service at least one week ahead of the meeting.

This meeting minutes written by Xiaoxu Luan is approved by all attendees. The meeting closed at 10:42am, December 09th, 2020.