IEEE C/DC 2941 Working Group
IEEE C/DC AI Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management Working Group

The 8th IEEE 2941 Working Group Meeting Minutes

The 8th meeting of IEEE 2941 WG was held via online conference call. Quorum reached. The meeting was hosted by Dr. Yonghong Tian, the chair of 2941 WG.

Ms. Xiaoxu Luan presented the patent slides at the meeting. A call for potentially essential patents was made, and no potentially essential patent claims were declared, and no holders of potentially essential patents were identified. All IEEE CS DCSC members could ask for the IEEE official patent document from the secretary. The IEEE copyright policy statement was presented then. There were no questions or concerns. The meeting agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.

Approval of the PAR for Application Programming Interface (API) of Deep Learning Inference Engine Sub-Working Group

Motion to approve the PAR for Application Programming Interface (API) of Deep Learning Inference Engine Sub-Working Group (Mover: Dr. Shan Liu, Second: Dr. Chao Yang) It was unanimously approved as presented without objection. The project number will be assigned as P2941.2.

The scope of the project: This standard defines a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that can be used on different deep learning inference engines. The interfaces should include but not limited to parameter reading, model compilation optimization, operator registration, thread management, input/output data acquisition, inference instance creation and inference execution.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled at 3:00 pm (Beijing Time Zone, GMT +8.00) on June 23th, 2022, Beijing, China. Remote attendees can request to set up a teleconference service at least one week before the meeting.

This meeting minutes was approved on the meeting.

The meeting closed at 5:30pm on April 29th, 2022.


Annex 1: Meeting Agenda

Annex 2: Attendance List