IEEE C/DC 2941 Working Group
IEEE C/DC AI Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management Working Group

Meeting Minutes of the 10th IEEE DC P2941 Working Group Plenary Meeting

The 10th AIM Working Group plenary meeting was held virtually on 25th August 2022, and quorum reached.

IEEE Patent Policy: Call for Patents

The call for patents was issued; none raises or if any concerns were raised for consideration.

IEEE Copyright Policy

The copyright policy was presented. There were no questions or concerns.

IEEE Participant Behavior

The participant behavior policy was presented. There were no questions or concerns.

Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Ms. Xiaoru Li; Second: Prof. Chao Yang). The agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.

2941: Standard for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management

Received a request of adding operator definition from IEEE 1857.11. Further discussion is planned on whether launching an amendment for this request as soon as possible.

2941.1: Standard for Operator Interfaces of Artificial Intelligence

The ballot was successfully finished with 82% return rate, 100% accept rate. The draft standard has been submitted to IEEE RevCom and will be reviewed on its meeting, 25th Oct 2022.

2941.2: Standard for Application Programming Interface (API) of Deep Learning Inference Engine

The most part of the draft standard is prepared and submitted to this meeting.

Discussion of received technical contributions

All attendees discussed the received contribution 2941-10-N0001 ” Initial Draft of P2941.2 Standard for Application Programming Interface (API) of Deep Learning Inference Engine ” and reached the following agreement: The contribution is accepted by WG.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled at 14:00 (Beijing Time Zone, GMT 8:00am) in December 2022, in Beijing. Remote attendees can request to set up teleconference service at least one week ahead of the meeting.

The meeting closed at 14:45, August 25, 2022.

Annex 1:Agenda

Annex 2: Attendance List