The 5th AIM Working Group plenary meeting was held virtually on 28th August 2021, and quorum reached.
IEEE Patent Policy: Call for Patents
The call for patents was issued; none raises or if any concerns were raised for consideration.
IEEE Copyright Policy
The copyright policy was presented. There were no questions or concerns.
Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the meeting agenda. (Mover: Ms. Xiaoxu Luan; Second: Dr. Chao Yang). The agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.
2941: Standard for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management
The first round of ballot will be closed on 28th August 2021, with 77% return ballots, and 94% approve rate. 36 comments were received. The re-circulation ballot will be open soon.
2941.1: Standard for Operator Interfaces of Artificial Intelligence
The draft standard writing plan was settled during sub-group meeting. According to the plan, the draft standard will be ready by the end of the year.
Approval of the establishment of CRG for 2941 standard
Motion to approve the establishment of CRG for 2941 standard (Mover: Mr. Guangyao Chen; Second: Dr. Chao Yang).
The CRG (Comment Resolution Group) for P2941 was established on this meeting. The scope of the CRG is to handle the comments received during the ballot of P2941.
The CRG is responsible to resolve the comments received at IEEE SA Ballot and report to the DCSC chair directly and the chair is authorized to respond to the balloters’ comments via a recirculation ballot(s).
The CRG members is listed below: Xiaoxu Luan, Guangyao Chen, Mingbao Lin, Yonghong Tian, Fan Yang.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled at 09:00am (Beijing Time Zone, GMT 8:00am) in December 2021, at Changsha, China (the meeting notice will be published on our official website in December). Remote attendees can request to set up teleconference service at least one week ahead of the meeting.
The meeting closed at 10:00am, August 28th, 2021.
Annex 1 Agenda
Annex 2 Attendance List