The 16th meeting of IEEE C/DC SC was held via online conference call. Quorum reached. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Feng Wu, the chair of DCSC.
Ms. Xiaoxu Luan presented the patent slides at the meeting. A call for potentially essential patents was made, and no potentially essential patent claims were declared, and no holders of potentially essential patents were identified. All IEEE CS DCSC members could ask for the IEEE official patent document from the secretary. The IEEE copyright policy and participant behavior statement were presented then. There were no questions or concerns. The meeting agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.
1857 WG – Audio Video Coding:
1857.11: the Sub-WG received and discussed 8 input contributions about reference software status, standard development, BD-rate calculation, and CE respectively. The working subgroup planned to work on a unified WD and a unified reference software by combining the existing NIC, iWave, and BEE.
1857.12:The 1st round of ballot has been successfully finished with 77% return rate and 100% accept rate. The second round was launched and will be finished on 31st August, 2022.
The revision projects are launched, 1857-Rev was working on the draft standard modification and the 1857.2-Rev was completed its first version and will be submitted to WG as soon as possible.
Technical Discussion about 1857.2-Rev
Prof. Weibei Dou gave a brief introduction of current 1857.2-Rev status. All attendees discussed the issue.
2941 WG – AI Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management:
2941: Received a request of adding operator definition from IEEE 1857.11. Further discussion is planned on whether launching an amendment for this request as soon as possible.
2941.1: The draft ballot has been finished and the final draft has been submitted to the RevCom.
2941.2: The most part has finished.
3122 WG – Intelligent Data Processing and Compression for Internet of Things:
The 4th meeting was held on August 25. An investigation report “Research on identification system of IOT” was discussed and accepted. The following WG work will focus on investigation of OID system and sensor data structure, as well as typical application scenarios of IOT.
3184 WG- Data Framework for Autonomous Driving
The working group discussed the development of the DFAD standard. An introduction of a typical auto-driving data framework was presented and raised a question of what should be standardized in DFAD. The group reached a consensus that the working group could proceed with some contributions in the next meeting.
3161 WG – Digital Retina Systems:
1 technical contribution was received and discussed during the meeting. The WG reached a consensus that some modification should be made and resubmitted to WG for the next meeting.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled at 4:00 pm (Beijing Time Zone, GMT +8.00) in December 2022, Beijing, China (The meeting notice will be published on our website one month before the meeting). Remote attendees can request to set up a teleconference service at least one week before the meeting.
This meeting minutes was approved on the meeting.
The meeting closed at 16:40 on August 26th, 2022.
Annex 1: Meeting Agenda
Annex 2: Attendance List