Data Compression Standards Committee
IEEE Computer Society/ Data Compression Standard Committee (C/DC)

The 23rd IEEE CS Data Compression Standard Committee Plenary Meeting Minutes

The 23rd meeting of IEEE C/DC SC was held in Shenzhen, China. Quorum reached. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Feng Wu, the chair of DCSC.

Ms. Xiaoxu Luan presented the patent slides at the meeting. A call for potentially essential patents was made, no potentially essential patent claims were declared; no holders of potentially essential patents were identified. All IEEE CS DCSC members could ask for the IEEE official patent document from the secretary. The IEEE copyright policy and participant behavior statement were presented then. There were no questions or concerns. The meeting agenda was unanimously approved as presented without objection.

1857 WG – Audio Video Coding:

1857.3-Rev: The draft was approved by IEEE, and the final version is under proofreading.

1857.5-Rev: The revision PAR was approved by IEEE on 15th Feb. 2024.

1857.11 Sub-WG- Neural Network-Based Image Coding

1857.11 Sub-Working-Group had the 16th meeting on Mar. 22, 2024 (Shenzhen). The sub-working-group received and discussed 3 input contributions about reference software maintenance and suggestions about future activities, respectively. The sub-working-group planned to organize a workshop about large model-based image compression in June.

2941 WG – AI Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management:

The 15th 2941 WG plenary meeting was held on 22nd March. The establishment of a new standard project on graph neural network was and the attendees reached the consensus that a new PAR should be submitted to the next meeting.

3122 WG -Intelligent Data Processing and Compression for Internet of Things:

The 11th 3122WG meeting was held on March 21st. 1 technical contribution about the technical requirement of data frame was discussed and suggestions for modification were given.

3161 WG – Digital Retina Systems:

3 technical contributions are discussed and rejected during the meeting. The extension of the study group was accepted for 6-month. The updated conclusion date is December 2024.

3184 WG- Data Framework for Autonomous Driving

The 8th IEEE 3184 Working Group Meeting was held on March 22nd. Attendees fully discussed 2 contributions of P3184 and P3184.2. The contributions were rejected, which will be revised and resubmitted at the next meeting. The draft standard of P3184.1 was discussed and accepted during the meeting.

Approval of the draft standard for P3184.1 (DCSC-23-N0001)

Motion to approve the draft standard for P3184.1. (Mover: Prof. Lili; Second: Prof. Yanyong Zhang). Prof. Yu Zhang presented the draft. It was unanimously approved as presented without objection.

3366 WG- Volumetric Data Compression

The 4th 3366WG plenary meeting was held on 21st March. 2 contributions were discussed and accepted during the meeting. An additional meeting was planned in April.

3404 WG- Data and Model of Multiple Computing Centers

The 2nd 3404 Working Group Plenary Meeting was held on March 21st, 2024. The WG chair Dr. Yue Yu appointed Prof. Chun Fan as the vice chair. 1 contribution about the use cases and draft framework of data and model sharing across multiple computing centers was discussed and accepted.

Approval of new WG and new PAR: Standard for Deep Intermediate Feature Coding (DCSC-23-N0002)

Motion to approve the new PAR of Standard for Deep Intermediate Feature Coding (Mover: Prof. Siwei Ma; Second: Dr. Wen Ji) Dr. Wenhan Yang gave a brief introduction of the PAR. Attendees reviewed the PAR, and unanimously approved as presented without objection.

Title: Standard for Deep Intermediate Feature Coding

Scope: This standard defines a set compression, decompression, and packaging tools and mechanism for intermediate features of deep neural networks, including but not limited to deep convolutional network, transformer, diffusion models, that are widely adopted in intelligent processing and analytics applications, e.g. intelligent transportation, smart cities.

A new WG shall be established at the same time with the name “Multi-Modality Feature Coding Working Group (C/DC/MFC) “. This WG aims to develop a series feature related standards which should be the fundamental technology of feature representation and coding. The chair of the WG is Prof. Lingyu Duan.

The next meeting is tentatively snqqcheduled in June, 2024. (The meeting notice will be published on our website one month before the meeting). Remote attendees can request to set up a teleconference service at least one week before the meeting.

This meeting minutes was approved on the meeting.

The meeting closed at 17:00 on March 23rd, 2024.


Annex 1: Meeting Agenda

Annex 2: Attendance List