As a continued way for readers / future Community Members to get to know more about our work, here’s an introduction to Johannes from our Metrics Committee.

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Johannes Leon Kirnberger, Consultant, AI & Sustainability Policy at OECD, Paris, France

How long have you been an IEEE member or volunteer? 

Planet Positive is my first time volunteering with IEEE.

Why did you want to join Planet Positive 2030? 

I’m passionate about sustainability and technology – Planet Positive not only brings together a community of experts right at this intersection but has a powerful vision of designing technology for the good of the planet.

How would you define “sustainability?” In general, in your work, and in your life? 

Sustainability means creating something impactful and lasting on which future generations can build on. 

How you think technology can best help the planet? 

Technological progress cannot be an end in itself but needs to contribute to an ecologically sustainable society. 

What is your boldest (yet technologically and scientifically based) hope for the work of Planet Positive 2030? 

To offer both a compelling vision and a blueprint for anyone developing technological solutions to put sustainability at the heart of the development process and technological applications – true Strong Sustainability by Design.

What is your dream regarding Planet Positive 2030 and the Earth in general? 

My dream would be for Planet Positive to play a small but significant role in changing perceptions of what it means to live and thrive within planetary boundaries.